Turkmenistan`s first event with dedicated focus on the country`s gas industry
Released on: February 14, 2008, 6:20 am
Press Release Author: RPI
Industry: Energy
Press Release Summary: The International Conference "Exploration and Development of Turkmenistan's Gas Fields and Mineral Resources" is to be held in Ashkhabad on March 28-29, 2008. The Conference is organized by the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan, state concerns "Turkmengaz", "Turkmenneftegazstroy", state corporation "Turkmengeologiya", and the company RPI. This will be the first event with dedicated focus on the country's gas industry.
Press Release Body: The International Conference "Exploration and Development of Turkmenistan's Gas Fields and Mineral Resources" is to be held in Ashkhabad on March 28-29, 2008. The Conference is organized by the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan, state concerns "Turkmengaz", "Turkmenneftegazstroy", state corporation "Turkmengeologiya", and the company RPI. This will be the first event with dedicated focus on the country's gas industry.
The goal of the Conference is to develop international cooperation, partnership and business contacts aimed at active development of the gas industry, as well as non-hydrocarbon minerals of Turkmenistan.
This event provides a unique opportunity to obtain the most detailed and up-to-date information on the requirements and priorities of technical and technological development of Turkmenistan's gas industry, as well as to present and discuss opportunities for business cooperation in applying modern technical and technological solutions in the following areas:
Gas field exploration and development Gas field infrastructure Gas pipeline transport Gas processing and gas chemistry Exploration and production of mineral resources
The Conference will be attended by senior executives and experts of the state concerns "Turkmengaz", "Turkmenneftegasstroy", state corporation "Turkmengeologiya", representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, bodies under the President of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources. It is expected that leading companies from around the globe engaged in developing and supplying technologies, services, equipment and materials for exploration, production, construction and transportation in the gas industry, will take part in the Conference.
Web Site: http://eng.rpi-inc.ru/conferences/items/conf/?c=46
Contact Details: Address: Moscow, Akademika Tupoleva nab., d. 15/12, office 401. tel.: (+7 495) 967-0117; 967-0118; 778-9332; 778-4597 e-mail:SaraevaN@rpi-inc.com
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